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Окрошка с Таном‬ на 6 порций:


Окрошка с Таном‬ на 6 порций:

Пишет нам читатель из интернета:
"Стою в очереди в магазине. Молодая покупательница, видно знакомая продавщицы, спрашивает о рецепте окрошки с "Таном". 

35 facts reasoning why we vitally need water


35 facts reasoning why we vitally need water

Water is our lifeblood. 50% loss of water from our body means that we will not be able to survive.

Vitamins content in Artezian products


Vitamins content in Artezian products

Fermented products of the "Artesian" Company such as Maksym, Zharma, and Chalap are very useful for the body.