Artezian fermented and grain beverage production process

Constant and careful control at every stage of the production process is held in the enterprise.
This ensures high level of product quality and its compliance with safety and regulatory standards.
Process of Arshan and Ak-Dan grain drinks production
1 stage. Preparation of raw materials.
2 stage. Preparation of corn flour.
- Preliminary cleaning of grains.
- Roasting of grains.
- Peeling roasted grains.
- Grinding of the grains into flour.
3 stage. Preparation of Jarma (national drink).
4 stage. Bringing to readiness:
- ARSHAN – adding the syrup (flour+oil) and yeast.
- Ak-Dan – adding the ayran (sour milk).
5 stage. Bottling and storage.
Process of Tan and Chalap fermented-milk drinks production
1 stage. Milk reception. Milk is supplied by cars to the factory.
2 stage. Cooling and Storage. Milk passes through the cooler before being put into the storage.
3 stage. Normalization. Milk entering the factory has different fat content, by the process of normalization it is strictly adjusted to standard level.
4 stage. Homogenization. Breaking up the fat globules into homogeneous ones. Homogenizing effect has a positive impact on the structure and physical properties of dairy products. Through this process:
- fat globules decrease which prevents sediment of cream;
- more appetizing look is achieved;
- resistance to oxidation of fat increases;
- the aroma and taste improve;
- the shelf life of the product increases.
5 stage. Pasteurization. Heat treatment kills the extraneous flora and improves taste and gives flavor.
6 stage. Cooling to fermentation temperature. Useful flora develops (Bulgarian bacillus, which kills putrefactive flora, gives flavor and taste).
7 stage. Fermentation and acidification of milk. Adding of yeast and acidification for 6-10 hours.
8 stage. Adding saline. Necessary amount of salt is added according to the recipe.
9 stage. Bottling. Mixture consisting from 50% of fermented-milk liquid and 50% of artesian water is bottled.
10 stage. Packaging, labeling, storage.