New fermented milk drink “Ayran”

Tasty and healthy, so it is briefly described the new drink from the “Artesian” Company which has appeared in all outlets of the city.
The drink was called “Ayran zhuurat” which means natural ayran of thick whole milk without adding water.
It is unique not only in quality but also in composition. Ayran is new completely natural and healthy drink that does not cause any harm to the body, but rather brings exceptional favor.
The drink is enriched with vitamins, macro-and microelements, comprises thiamine (B1), riboflavin (B2), vitamins A, PP, C, E, potassium, calcium, sodium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, etc.
- increased digestibility of drink due to the decay of proteins into simpler compounds;
- beneficial effect on the secretory activity of intestines and stomach;
- improves the functioning of the respiratory centers, increases the flow of oxygen to the lungs;
- strengthens the nervous system;
- quenches thirst and invigorates;
- increases both local and general immunity.
The new drink is sold in glass bottles. The maturation process takes place directly in glass. Advantages of glass bottles:
- Modern design of the bottle;
- Conveniently closing cover “Twist-off”;
- Glass - environmentally friendly packaging;
- Product quality can be assessed visually;
- Preserved natural taste;
- Increased shelf life.
In supermarkets “Narodnyi” passed tasting in order to acquaint the people with a new product. All participants were satisfied tasting, sincerely pleased that appeared on the market the new technology's national drink, which preserved all the useful properties.
Ayran “zhuurat” - drink of vivacity and health!